2023-08-25 10:28

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Royal Mail Group Environment Awareness Week 24 – 29 June 2019

Following on from National Clean Air Day on Thursday 20 June reported in LTB 351/19, Royal Mail has announced that they will run an Environment Awareness Week 24 – 29 June to promote what we can all do to help reduce air pollution. CWU is happy to support the initiative. The following outlines the messages which will be promoted during the coming campaign week.

This month (June) sees the United Nations’ World Environment Day, with a theme of Air Pollution. Royal Mail Group is carrying that theme through into their own environment awareness week.

9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air across the world, with multiple sources of air pollution ranging from; agriculture, domestic households, industry, transport and waste.

Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchitis and emphysema, asthma and in some cases dementia and premature death.

By changing behaviours, we can look to limit both Royal Mail Group’s and our own impact, helping to improve air quality in our local communities and the wider world; enhancing the quality of life for all of us.

We may not be able to solve the problem alone, but a lot of sources of air pollution are in our control. Here are some examples of what can be done to help, at home or at work:

  • Use public transport, car share, cycle or walk
  • Turn off your vehicle engine when stationary
  • Reuse/repair items where possible
  • Recycle clean recyclable waste, this may differ between home and work
  • Switch to high-efficiency home heating systems and equipment/ensure boilers are regularly serviced
  • Save energy: turn off lights and electronics when not in use
  • Don’t open windows in air-conditioned offices, unless the air conditioning is switched off.
  • Report lights or heating left on at work, when they are not needed, e.g., yard lighting which is on during daylight hours.

By making a few small changes during the week and realising the differences they can make, could lead to longer term adoption and others following that lead. The campaign is calling on everyone to lead by example and improve our air quality.

Source: Dave Joyce CWU LTB381/19

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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